Making the most of your driving lessons and what to expect when you start with your driving lessons, it is important that you know what to expect from them. First time driving school students are nervous, and at the same time excited about the lessons. They are excited about the new experience but at the same time feel nervous about being on the road in the driver’s seat. Some people need a couple of years before they find the courage, or save up money to start taking driving lessons. No matter what your reasons might be for learning how to drive, you can get the most out of it by finding the right instructor and booking the lessons to get you started. Instead of expecting to become a competent driver right away, you should use the driving lessons to familiarise yourself with the car, and how it feels to be in control of a vehicle.

Before the Driving Lessons

Before the day of your driving lessons, you should get some sleep. You should not drink on the eve of your lesson. Be sure that you eat breakfast. A day before the lesson, you should double check where and when you will be picked up. During driving lessons, be sure to wear comfortable, non-slip shoes. You should also bring your glasses if you need them. Lastly, remember to bring your provisional driving licence.

What Not to Wear

Learning how to drive is a lot easier if you wear the right outfit. Any comfortable clothes will do. The most important thing is to use the right footwear. Heels must be avoided because it will make it difficult to operate the pedals with them. Trainers and boots with thick soles should be avoided as well because you will not feel the clutch bite. It is recommended to wear trainers with thinner soles. You should avoid wearing flip-flops because they can slide off easily. You should also avoid taking driving lessons without shoes on.

During the First Couple of Driving Lessons

The first couple of driving lessons will be spent in a quiet location where you will be acquainted with how the car works. The instructor will teach about roadcraft and car control. Roadcraft is dealing with what’s occurring on the road that includes other vehicles, hazards and roundabouts. Car control is about learning how to handle the car, such as starting stopping and parking. If the student is scheduled to take 60 driving lessons, then 10 sessions will involve learning about car control, and the rest will be for roadcraft.

It is important to learn about controlling the car before setting off to face the traffic. That way, you will not process too much information at once. There are lot of information to process that requires a new range of response time, hand-to-eye coordination skills, and conditioned reflexes. These are all part of your driving lessons. Starting and moving the car involves dealing with the gears, clutch, indicators, handbrake, and checking the mirrors.

At first, you might be overwhelmed but it will get easier over time. You will be able to carry out the correct sequences in time. But the first few attempts will require a lot of concentration and guidance. You need to remember everything at first but it will be ingrained into your brain, and it will come naturally to you as you complete all driving lessons. Then you can start to pay attention to what’s going on around you while on the road.

Just You and the Driving Instructor

Most students find self-conscious during their driving lessons and don’t like being watched by the instructor all the time. This is a natural feeling and partly because of being tutored in a one-to-one environment. People are more used to being taught in classrooms with others. It is normal to be uncomfortable at first, but you will be familiar with the situation after a session or two.

Schedule Driving Lessons during the Right Time

You should schedule your driving lessons when you are fresh and receptive to learning how to drive. To most people, it is during the morning. But this depends on the person. There are some people who are more awake after lunchtime. Prepare for the Theory Test It is recommended that you start preparing for the theory test right after your first few driving lessons. When you are driving, you need to take in a lot of information, and at the same time understand the road signs. When you do both at the same time, you will be more on top of things.

Enjoy Your Driving Lessons

Above all, it is important to enjoy the new experience. You should know that you are being taken care of by the instructor, and you will be on top of things if something goes wrong during your driving lessons. If you are not comfortable with the instructor, then consider changing them. You should keep in mind that learning to drive is a crucial rite of passage, and you should give it the attention it deserves. Follow the tips above to get the most out of your driving lessons, and you’ll be driving on your own in no time.

Making the Most of Your Driving Lessons and What to Expect